

Before + After - Hormonal AcneHormonal Acne
Before + After - Acne

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner
Lucy Hall, Medifine Skin Clinic

“Client started using NeoGenesis in January after she had done research into the benefits of adult stem cell skincare. She came across NeoGenesis and got in touch with us, her main concern being ageing. She was, at this stage, unaware of the benefits this may have on her acne. Being only 30 and looking at ageing concerns, she started on Skin Serum and Eye Serum. Then after seeing the calming benefit from just this product, and an improvement in her overall health of skin, as well as improvement in her acne amped things up to Recovery serum. The client had been struggling with her acne for over a decade and she herself said that NeoGenesis has been nothing short of a miracle. The picture before is her acne at her worst and the after is her skin today after her 6 month journey with NeoGenesis. The client is amazed and after suffering with acne for so long, will now be a NeoGenesis client for life.” – Lucy Hall, Medifine Skin Clinic Skin Therapist


Skin Serum, Eye Serum, Booster, Recovery


Skin Serum, Eye Serum 2x Daily (AM + PM)

Booster, Skin Serum 1x Daily



The testimonial provided by Lucy Hall, a Skin Therapist at Medifine Skin Clinic, showcases the success of one client’s journey with NeoGenesis. The client, who was initially interested in the anti-ageing benefits of adult stem cell skincare, was pleasantly surprised to see the added bonus of improved acne after using NeoGenesis products.

This is not uncommon as many people associate adult stem cell therapy with anti-ageing and rejuvenating properties. However, the benefits of adult stem cell molecules go beyond just skin health and can also aid in various other conditions such as acne.

Acne is a common skin condition that affects many individuals, especially during their teenage years. It can persist well into adulthood causing physical and emotional distress. 

By choosing NeoGenesis based on her research into adult stem cell skincare, she was able to address her primary concern of ageing while simultaneously improving her acne.

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner
Lucy Hall, Medifine Skin Clinic

“Client started using NeoGenesis in January after she had done research into the benefits of adult stem cell skincare. She came across NeoGenesis and got in touch with us, her main concern being ageing. She was, at this stage, unaware of the benefits this may have on her acne. Being only 30 and looking at ageing concerns, she started on Skin Serum and Eye Serum. Then after seeing the calming benefit from just this product, and an improvement in her overall health of skin, as well as improvement in her acne amped things up to Recovery serum. The client had been struggling with her acne for over a decade and she herself said that NeoGenesis has been nothing short of a miracle. The picture before is her acne at her worst and the after is her skin today after her 6 month journey with NeoGenesis. The client is amazed and after suffering with acne for so long, will now be a NeoGenesis client for life.” – Lucy Hall, Medifine Skin Clinic Skin Therapist


Skin Serum, Eye Serum, Booster, Recovery


Skin Serum, Eye Serum 2x Daily (AM + PM)

Booster, Skin Serum 1x Daily



The testimonial provided by Lucy Hall, a Skin Therapist at Medifine Skin Clinic, showcases the success of one client’s journey with NeoGenesis. The client, who was initially interested in the anti-ageing benefits of adult stem cell skincare, was pleasantly surprised to see the added bonus of improved acne after using NeoGenesis products.

This is not uncommon as many people associate adult stem cell therapy with anti-ageing and rejuvenating properties. However, the benefits of adult stem cell molecules go beyond just skin health and can also aid in various other conditions such as acne.

Acne is a common skin condition that affects many individuals, especially during their teenage years. It can persist well into adulthood causing physical and emotional distress. 

By choosing NeoGenesis based on her research into adult stem cell skincare, she was able to address her primary concern of ageing while simultaneously improving her acne.