WINNER! Innovative Ingredient Advancement Award 2017

Esthetician Connection

NeoGenesis Inc. is honored to have received the ‘Innovative Ingredient Advancement’ Award 2017 from Esthetician Connection.

NeoGenesis - Winner of the Esthetician Connection "Innovative Ingredient Advancement" Award 2017August 31, 2017

Dear NeoGenesis,

The Esthetician Connection is excited to announce our inaugural launch of THE EC AWARDS! Through vigorous testing, we have narrowed down the thousands of product lines to six deserving recipients.

It is our pleasure to inform you of your win in the ‘Innovative Ingredient Advancement’ category for your patented “Next Generation” stem cell technology. Bravo!

Per Sheri Flasch, Founder & CEO of Esthetician Connection,


[NeoGenesis] science enables them to harvest an array of molecules from multiple stem cell types. These molecules are the same molecules the skin produces in greater abundance when it is young and healthy, and when applied to aged, damaged skin returns the skin to a healthier, more youthful state.”


Sincerely Yours,

The Esthetician Connection

Esthetician Connection 2017 Innovative Ingredient Award - Winner NeoGenesis Inc.