NeoGenesis Pro Australia
NeoGenesis Australia Professional
NeoGenesis Pro Australia
NeoGenesis Australia Professional
NeoGenesis Pro Australia




Hair Loss

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner Sophia Emmanuel, Crown Worthy Trichology "This client has 2 different types of hair loss, alopecia areata on the back of her neck that [...]

2024-05-12T19:57:21-08:00April 24th, 2024|

Hair Loss

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner Sophia Emmanuel, Crown Worthy Trichology "AE's hair loss has progressively gotten worse over time. Stress has most likely been a factor for the [...]

2024-05-12T19:43:15-08:00April 18th, 2024|

Hair Loss

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner Sophia Emmanuel, Crown Worthy Trichology "PD has traction alopecia which is caused from some hair styles pulling too tight and causing tension on [...]

2024-05-12T20:01:47-08:00April 17th, 2024|

Hair Loss

“I have been losing my hair (very gradually) over the last 14 years, and after being turned down for a hair transplant, I decided to see a trichologist. She suggested (given the type of [...]

2024-05-20T05:54:34-08:00September 15th, 2023|

Hair Loss

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner Dermacure “What a confidence boost! My hair had been thinning for years. I tried many products. Nothing helped. The NeoGenesis Hair Thickening Serum [...]

2024-05-20T06:03:15-08:00September 15th, 2023|

Hair Loss

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner Gail Day, Soft Aesthetics Skin Care Clinic “My client was dealing with significant hair loss due to surgery and anesthesia. Clumps of hair were [...]

2024-05-20T06:12:05-08:00September 15th, 2023|