We are all spending more time at home this year and while we may not be dealing with the skin fatigue brought on by holiday parties and late nights, our skin still must adjust to changing weather, indoor heating, and the stress that can be brought on during the holidays.  You also may be spending a good amount of time wearing a mask, which is responsible for a new type of skin issue.

To care for your skin at this time of year means changing your routine to give the skin exactly what it needs during the colder weather.  By paying attention now, by the time spring arrives you may have the best skin of your life!

A healthy, glowing complexion is rarely by accident.  By following these tips and staying consistent with your home care, you can create the radiant complexion you’ve always wanted. The steps are very simple.  Schedule these self-care items as priorities that only take minutes and will help you feel and look fabulous.

  • Cleanse: In winter, when your skin produces less oil, you need to make sure that you always use a very gentle cleanser. Bar soap is a no-no that generally has a high pH and leaves a layer on your skin as it strips away your skin’s natural oils. NeoGenesis Cleanser is a gel based cleanser that gently removes makeup, dirt, and excess oil while protecting the barrier and natural pH of the skin. Your skin will feel clean, soft and prepared for serums and a moisturizer.  Use it from head to toe.
  • Moisturize: After cleansing, apply Skin Serum or Booster followed by Barrier Renewal Cream. A serum is the most important step in any skin care routine.  Serums are packed with important ingredients for the skin and designed to be able to penetrate further into the skin, where problems originate. In the winter, a serum that is both corrective and hydrating is the perfect blend to help your skin stay healthy. A barrier cream is deeply hydrating but it also contains the necessary ingredients needed by the skin for a strong barrier, or outer layer. If your skin seems more sensitive than usual, more prone to dryness or redness, choose a barrier cream to heal the outer layer causing these issues.
  • Skin Protection: During the daytime hours, always protect your skin with a chemical free broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. Protection from UV rays, even in the winter, is the most important step you can do for your skin, whether it is sunny or cloudy.
  • Exfoliate: Exfoliating is a wonderful way to prepare your skin for spending more time in dry, indoor environments. If you skin is beginning to look dull and tired, it is likely a build-up of surface cells that need some gentle exfoliation. Supporting the natural exfoliation process of your skin can help to renew and brighten your complexion. NeoGenesis Volcanic Ash Mask is a luxurious, creamy mask that infuses the skin with naturally occurring minerals to balance and clarify skin tone and texture. Continued use minimizes blemishes and calms redness for all skin types. Aim for a gentle exfoliation no more than once per week.
  • Tip to Toe: So much time is spent on the skin on our faces. While your face is what you and others see every single day, your body will need some extra attention in the winter. Follow the same idea on the body by using a gentle cleanser, keep showers shorter and not too hot, and then pat dry, leaving the skin slightly moist as you begin to care for the skin on your body with moisturizers. NeoGenesis Body Cream is a luxurious, deeply hydrating, age-defying formula created for the body. Body Cream helps to restore the skin barrier as the stem cell molecules penetrate the skin’s surface. It has a light feel that absorbs immediately and may be used on the face and neck. For extra dry skin, pat dry after a shower and spray NeoGenesis Moisturizing Mist all over the body.  Then apply the Body Cream.  Your skin will thank you.
  • Hydrate: Stay hydrated! With the dry winter air, staying hydrated will benefit your skin and improve your energy level.  If the idea of drinking plain water is not appealing, try adding some lemon or a flavor you enjoy.  Another healthy choice to drink is decaffeinated tea, such as green tea which contains vital antioxidants. Hydration for the skin is an inside and outside job.  While you’re increasing your intake of healthy fluids, use the NeoGenesis Moisturizing Mist throughout the day for a refreshing, uplifting burst of moisture for the skin.

Eating healthy foods, getting the right amount of sleep and keeping an exercise routine are all important aspects for healthy skin.  Do your best to minimize the amount of holiday goodies that you indulge in during the holidays. Give thanks for family and loved ones.  Keep gratitude high on your list to melt stress and enjoy every day.


NeoGenesis Inc

NeoGenesis Australia
+61 (2) 82033339