
Before + After - MicrocurrentMicrocurrent therapy uses low levels of electric current (sub-sensory currents) to treat many issues including nerve and muscle pain, inflammation, and other health challenges.  It is now widely used in the skincare industry for facials that lift and tone the muscles of the face and body as it improves skin tone and texture.

How Microcurrent Works

Each tissue type in your body has its own signature electrical frequency, which may be disrupted by injury, disease, or any other imbalance. Research has shown that external sources of electricity can be beneficial for improved health by helping the cells maintain normal cell behavior.  Microcurrent is able to restore normal frequencies within the cells, resulting in remarkable improvements in pain, inflammation and function.

At the cellular level, microcurrent stimulates a dramatic increase in Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP, the energy that fuels all biochemical functions in the body. It also triggers the body’s production of amino acids, necessary for tissue repair. The increased blood flow to the area as well as a decrease in inflammation reduces pain and improves function.

A Non-Surgical Facelift

Often referred to as a non-surgical facelift, microcurrent facials are extremely popular facials with many benefits and few contraindications. The treatment is not aggressive or invasive and feels very relaxing to the client. A water based gel or product is used to conduct the current as the skin care professional moves probes very specifically around the muscles of the face. The muscle may be “lifted” and held in place for a few seconds which educates the muscle.

The results are evident from the first treatment and many clients will complete a series of treatments to lift and tone the face or to improve skin conditions.

Some of the many benefits of Microcurrent facials are:

  • increased blood flow
  • lymphatic drainage
  • stimulation of collagen and elastin
  • increased product penetration and a lifting of the muscles.

Microcurrent is compared to “taking your face to the gym” and multiple sessions yield better results.

Microcurrent therapy has no significant adverse effects.

*Note: People with pacemakers, seizure disorders, cancer, or who are pregnant, should not use microcurrent.

If there is a question on whether or not the facial is appropriate for a certain condition, please check with a medical professional for direction advisability of treatments.

Microcurrent + NeoGenesis Products

Due to the ability of microcurrent to allow better penetration of products, our most advanced product, Recovery, abundant in S²RM® is the perfect choice to use prior to a Microcurrent treatment. Recovery serum will assist in creating better results from the treatment as the skin is nourished and revitalized.

After cleansing the skin with NeoGenesis Cleanser and any other steps, apply Recovery to the face and neck immediately prior to the Microcurrent treatment.  Our Glide Gel is a highly conductive and safe product to use with Microcurrent. If any adjustments are necessary to create the perfect glide gel consistency, spray Moisturizing Mist into the Glide Gel and mix.

Immediately following the microcurrent, remove any remaining Glide Gel.  For more advanced ageingRosaceaacne or any other inflammatory issue, apply Recovery again, the Eye Serum, and follow with Intensive Moisturizer or Barrier Renewal Cream for protection and hydration.  For less inflammatory issues, use Recovery prior to the treatment and follow with Booster or Skin Serum, the Eye Serum, and the Intensive Moisturizer or Barrier Renewal Cream post treatment.

For ongoing daily care at home, use Cleanser twice daily, followed by Recovery, Booster or Skin Serum. Apply to the entire face and neck, including around the eye area.  When the eyes are in need of additional help due to dark circles and puffiness, apply the Eye Serum around the eye area. Finish with Light Moisturizer, Intensive Moisturizer or Barrier Renewal Cream to leave the skin hydrated and protected.



Skin care product testimonials

Before + After - Microcurrent and Rosacea“I loved how my skin looked and felt after the first treatment with NeoGenesis stem cell skincare products along with microcurrent. The redness diminished greatly and it felt softer and smoother. I’m excited to have a home care protocol that will continue to improve my skin.” ~ JW

Products: NeoGenesis Recovery, Skin Serum, Intensive Moisturizer


“NeoGenesis glide gel. The is amazing conductive gel. My skin feels amazing and not sticky after using it! I love it!” ~ DO – Art of Skin Care

Product: Glide Gel

“I am blown away by NeoGenesis and Microcurrent. I had a client with a crusty spot on her nose and with her doctor’s approval and 2 treatments, almost complete healing occurred. Miraculous!” ~ Corina Gata – Royal European Beauty

Product: NeoGenesis Recovery

“It is pretty fantastic. I use with my micro current device and time master pro. I love that it doesn’t sting and gives a great glide. When I start to dry out a couple spritzes of the mist and I’m back in business. I haven’t found a NeoGenesis product I don’t like. Thank you #neogenesisinc and #skinbeautifulrx~ @stokleymichaelta

Product: Glide Gel

“I am a 60+ woman who has been receiving professional skin care treatments and using recommended professional products for the past 5 years.  My appointments are approximately every 6 weeks and my go to treatment is Microcurrent with a vitamin A serum.

While my skin has felt very good, it still retained a red, slightly ruddy look.  I assumed it was years of outdoor activity and the accumulated damage that I wouldn’t be able to do much about.  Last week I had my regularly scheduled Microcurrent but this time was different.  My esthetician applied Recovery before the Microcurrent treatment and again after, followed by the Intensive Moisturizer.  We were both surprised and a bit amazed when for the first time in decades, my skin tone appeared very even and glowing.  All signs of redness were gone!  I did not think this was possible, especially during only one treatment. 

I’ve always been more interested in very healthy skin as opposed to looking a lot younger.  This time I got both as a nice bonus!   The value add was incredible and I’m excited to go forward with my new look.” ~ SP

Products: NeoGenesis RecoveryIntensive Moisturizer

“Nice Gel. This is a good gel for microcurrent. I like it better than the NuFace gel. The ingredients are cleaner.” ~ PK – Art of Skin Care

Product: Glide Gel

Before + After - MicrocurrentProtocol: Professional Microcurrent Treatment with NeoGenesis products

Products: Enzyme Creme Mask, Moisturizing Mist, NeoGenesis Recovery, Barrier Renewal Cream, Eye Serum

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