Mohs Surgery

Mohs Surgery

Before + After - Mohs SurgeryMohs Surgery
Before + After - Melanoma Skin CancerMelanoma Skin Cancer
Before + After - Mohs Surgery

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner
Heather Funk, The Vibrant Life

“My client had Mohs Surgery on her right shin. By the third week of using Recovery and Moisturizing Mist on her leg it is healing very nicely. Her skin looks healthier and irritation is down to a 4 (out of 10). Surrounding tissue around the wound is smoother and healthy looking with light pink coloring. Patient has tough skin to heal and it takes a while.

She is happy with the progress. In less than a month, client said she thinks the wound is continuing to heal nicely and surrounding tissue looks healthier then the rest of skin on her body. By week 6, it is healing with a smooth surface. It is 95% healed at the moment. No itching or discomfort. This was a deep wound that has almost healed to a completely smooth surface.” – Heather Funk, The Vibrant Life


Recovery, Moisturizing Mist


Recovery 2x Daily (AM + PM)

Moisturizing Mist as often as needed.



Mohs surgery, also known as Mohs micrographic surgery, is a highly effective surgical technique used to remove skin cancer tumors. This procedure involves removing the tumor layer by layer until no more cancer cells are present in the affected area. It is considered one of the most precise and advanced methods for treating skin cancer, with a cure rate of up to 99% for certain types of skin cancers.

While Mohs surgery is highly effective in removing cancer cells, it can also leave the surrounding skin damaged and vulnerable. This is where NeoGenesis oncology friendly products come in. Our products are specifically designed to strengthen and support the delicate skin before and after Mohs surgery.

One of the main benefits of using NeoGenesis products is their ability to strengthen the skin prior to surgery. This can help minimize the risk of complications during and after the procedure.

After Mohs surgery, the skin may experience irritation, inflammation, and discomfort. NeoGenesis products can help soothe and calm the skin, reducing these unwanted side effects. They also contain essential nutrients that promote faster healing of the wounded area, minimizing scarring and improving the overall outcome of the surgery.

In addition to their benefits for Mohs surgery patients, NeoGenesis oncology friendly products are also suitable for those undergoing other cancer treatments such as radiation or chemotherapy. These treatments can often cause skin irritation and damage, and NeoGenesis products can help alleviate these side effects.

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner
Heather Funk, The Vibrant Life

“My client had Mohs Surgery on her right shin. By the third week of using Recovery and Moisturizing Mist on her leg it is healing very nicely. Her skin looks healthier and irritation is down to a 4 (out of 10). Surrounding tissue around the wound is smoother and healthy looking with light pink coloring. Patient has tough skin to heal and it takes a while.

She is happy with the progress. In less than a month, client said she thinks the wound is continuing to heal nicely and surrounding tissue looks healthier then the rest of skin on her body. By week 6, it is healing with a smooth surface. It is 95% healed at the moment. No itching or discomfort. This was a deep wound that has almost healed to a completely smooth surface.” – Heather Funk, The Vibrant Life


Recovery, Moisturizing Mist


Recovery 2x Daily (AM + PM)

Moisturizing Mist as often as needed.



Mohs surgery, also known as Mohs micrographic surgery, is a highly effective surgical technique used to remove skin cancer tumors. This procedure involves removing the tumor layer by layer until no more cancer cells are present in the affected area. It is considered one of the most precise and advanced methods for treating skin cancer, with a cure rate of up to 99% for certain types of skin cancers.

While Mohs surgery is highly effective in removing cancer cells, it can also leave the surrounding skin damaged and vulnerable. This is where NeoGenesis oncology friendly products come in. Our products are specifically designed to strengthen and support the delicate skin before and after Mohs surgery.

One of the main benefits of using NeoGenesis products is their ability to strengthen the skin prior to surgery. This can help minimize the risk of complications during and after the procedure.

After Mohs surgery, the skin may experience irritation, inflammation, and discomfort. NeoGenesis products can help soothe and calm the skin, reducing these unwanted side effects. They also contain essential nutrients that promote faster healing of the wounded area, minimizing scarring and improving the overall outcome of the surgery.

In addition to their benefits for Mohs surgery patients, NeoGenesis oncology friendly products are also suitable for those undergoing other cancer treatments such as radiation or chemotherapy. These treatments can often cause skin irritation and damage, and NeoGenesis products can help alleviate these side effects.