

Before + After - Radiation for Breast CancerRadiation
Before + After - Radiation BurnsRadiation
Before + After - Radiation for Breast Cancer

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner
Holly Brown, Looking & Feeling Fab

“I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma and began chemotherapy treatment for about 5 months, which lead to a bilateral mastectomy and then 30 rounds of radiation.

I was so fortunate to know Holly Brown, who is the director of Looking & Feeling Fab, a non-profit organization that focuses on treating side effects from different treatments that really affect your skin. And I was introduced to NeoGenesis, an amazing skin care company that made all the difference.

Before I began my radiation treatments, I was utilizing some of the NeoGenesis creams and serums. Specifically, I was using the NeoGenesis Recovery serum on my breast prior to radiation therapy, and I did that liberally and frequently. And I have to say that I was so fortunate not to experience the first and third degree burns that many of my friends did during radiation treatment. And I do attribute that to the wonderful products made by NeoGenesis. So today I have to say that I have no evidence of disease. My hair is growing back and my skin feels amazing.” – Kristine T.



Radiation therapy is a common treatment method used for patients with invasive ductal carcinoma, a type of breast cancer that begins in the milk ducts and grows into surrounding tissue. While radiation can be an effective tool in fighting cancer cells, it also comes with its own set of side effects.

One of the most common side effects of radiation therapy is skin irritation or rash. This occurs because the high-energy rays used in radiation can damage skin cells, causing redness, itching, and dryness. In more severe cases, the skin may become blistered or even break open.

To alleviate this discomfort, keep the treated area clean and dry, avoid using harsh soaps or lotions, and wear loose-fitting clothing.

NeoGenesis’ patented S²RM® technology helps strengthen the skin prior to treatment and rejuvenates it during and post-treatment. Our oncology-friendly products quell, soothe, and strengthen the skin for better recuperation.

Learn more on our blog: Using NeoGenesis Skincare Products During Oncology Treatment

Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner
Holly Brown, Looking & Feeling Fab

“I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma and began chemotherapy treatment for about 5 months, which lead to a bilateral mastectomy and then 30 rounds of radiation.

I was so fortunate to know Holly Brown, who is the director of Looking & Feeling Fab, a non-profit organization that focuses on treating side effects from different treatments that really affect your skin. And I was introduced to NeoGenesis, an amazing skin care company that made all the difference.

Before I began my radiation treatments, I was utilizing some of the NeoGenesis creams and serums. Specifically, I was using the NeoGenesis Recovery serum on my breast prior to radiation therapy, and I did that liberally and frequently. And I have to say that I was so fortunate not to experience the first and third degree burns that many of my friends did during radiation treatment. And I do attribute that to the wonderful products made by NeoGenesis. So today I have to say that I have no evidence of disease. My hair is growing back and my skin feels amazing.” – Kristine T.



Radiation therapy is a common treatment method used for patients with invasive ductal carcinoma, a type of breast cancer that begins in the milk ducts and grows into surrounding tissue. While radiation can be an effective tool in fighting cancer cells, it also comes with its own set of side effects.

One of the most common side effects of radiation therapy is skin irritation or rash. This occurs because the high-energy rays used in radiation can damage skin cells, causing redness, itching, and dryness. In more severe cases, the skin may become blistered or even break open.

To alleviate this discomfort, keep the treated area clean and dry, avoid using harsh soaps or lotions, and wear loose-fitting clothing.

NeoGenesis’ patented S²RM® technology helps strengthen the skin prior to treatment and rejuvenates it during and post-treatment. Our oncology-friendly products quell, soothe, and strengthen the skin for better recuperation.

Learn more on our blog: Using NeoGenesis Skincare Products During Oncology Treatment