As a professional, we all learn that while giving the best service is a wonderful thing, there is more to success and happiness in your aesthetics career than a superb facial.  The beginning of the year is the perfect time to do a reset of your practice and doing it with intention of the type of practice you really want this year.

First, let’s take a look at where you are and where you want to go.  This is setting your intention for the next year. Please take a few minutes and answer these questions:

  • What are 3 goals you accomplished in your business last year that you feel good about?
  • What inspired and excited you last year?
  • What one thing (service or otherwise) would you like to stop doing?
  • What are 3 goals I want to accomplish this year?  What is one action I can take now for each of these 3 goals for the year?
  • What one thing (service or otherwise) would you like to start doing?

Giving some time to answering these questions will begin to shape your year in the way you want it to go.  Along with knowing yourself, here are some action steps you can take now to complete your 2019 reset.

Here are 4 action steps to start fresh this year.

Deep Clean Your Treatment Room

When was the last time you decluttered and did a deep cleaning of your treatment room?   Time to go through and get rid of old products, stained linens and towels, and supplies you no longer use.  Look at each piece of equipment closely.  If you’re no longer using it, there are many sites that will sell used equipment that a new esthetician will want.  If you do use it, make sure it works properly and is clean.  If it needs to have any type of repair, schedule that now.

Lay on your treatment bed and see the room from your client’s vantage point.  Is the light or chandelier dusty?  Are there any cracked ceiling tiles?  Your clients will see the room in a much different way than you do.  What they see matters.  Make sure it is clean and pleasant.

Clean mirrors, clean out drawers, clean your retail products and the shelves they sit on.  Think about changing your retail section often so clients will be attracted to it every time they come in.  They will see something new because you’ve positioned it in a new way.

How do the walls look?  Are there scrapes or holes not filled and painted?  Do you like the colour?  If not, now is the time for that new paint colour to create a whole new look with paint.

Doing a deep clean is an easy way to create a fresh space that will leave you feeling excited about coming to work.  Your clients will thank you.

Update Client Cards

Go through the records you keep on your clients.  It is time to purge those that are no longer up to date or make notes of those you need to update with new cards.  This is a great time to reach out to clients who haven’t been in for some time.  Sending a handwritten note to those clients is the perfect way to connect with them.  Even if they don’t return, they will love the gesture and hearing from you.

Take a look at the information you request on your client intake forms.  Does it cover everything needed?  Is it up to date with the services you currently offer or do you need some independent forms for special services?  If so, now is the time to create those forms for what you need now.

Make sure your client cards are up to date for every client.  An important question to ask each client as they come in for a service is if anything has changed.  Clients forget to mention it and they may have moved, be on new medication or any number of things that could affect their skin during your treatments.

Update Services

Are you happy with your services?  Is there anything lacking that keeps the service less than excellent?  Are you charging enough?  Are clients happy?

Your services are your business.  Every client should leave your room feeling great about their investment with you.  Clients are watching everything you do from your greeting to your consultation, service, retail sales and goodbyes.  How do you talk to them?  Are you on time?  Is your touch confidant?  Do you really listen to what they say?  Are you able to do the proper skin analysis and suggest the right treatment for them?  Lots of questions, I know.  We can all improve in these areas.

If a service is no longer working for you, consider dropping it from your menu. Keep your education up to date and stay informed of new services and products available.  If a new trend seems exciting and inspires you, do your research.  Get your education and make a decision for a new treatment based on facts and thoughtful consideration of how it will impact your business, not by emotion.  There is no worse feeling than purchasing a new, expensive device that sits on your shelves. All purchases have a learning curve and may require new products as well.  Think it through before taking the plunge.

Learn From Your Skin Care Company

Professional skin care companies can be a wealth of information for Aestheticians, Medspas, Resorts, and Doctor’s offices.  NeoGenesis offers customized training for each individual on the science, products, services, sales, and business development.  Whatever the size of your business, we can help!  We are your partner to help you achieve your goals, whatever they may be at this time in your business.

Resetting your practice may seem like a daunting task but by following the steps above and breaking it down, you can have a beautiful and fresh practice in no time at all.  Take that first step and do something each day towards your goals.


NeoGenesis Inc

NeoGenesis Australia
+61 (2) 82033339