NeoGenesis Pro Australia
NeoGenesis Australia Professional
NeoGenesis Pro Australia
NeoGenesis Australia Professional
NeoGenesis Pro Australia





Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner Yumi Arney, Nativis Skin Care "I have been dealing with acne since puberty. I am prone to stress and break out, but now the [...]

2024-05-21T13:01:39-08:00September 12th, 2023|


Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner Katherine Aalbu-Ruward, Rising Sun Organique "I can't believe the difference when looking at the before and after photos. My skin feels great. My [...]

2024-05-21T13:45:01-08:00September 11th, 2023|


Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner Heather Funk, The Vibrant Life "I don't have as many black heads and my pore size is definitely smaller. I went from breaking [...]

2024-05-21T13:54:15-08:00September 11th, 2023|


Treatment + Photos Courtesy of Professional Partner Khadijah Hewitt-Nelson, Soulstone Spa & Apothecary "This client underwent 25 rounds of radiation. The first photo was taken after all radiation treatments were complete. [...]

2024-05-21T18:35:57-08:00September 11th, 2023|