Wound Care + Scarring

Wound Care + Scarring

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Before + After - Wound Care + Scarring

“I was in a horrific car accident which opened a huge gash from the side of my eyebrow to the back of my head. The wound was deep, and went all the way to the skull. I was told by the doctors I may need additional reconstructive surgeries.

Once stitched up, I immediately started using NeoGenesis Recovery serum 3x per day on the scar, Barrier Renewal Cream, Neosporin, and scar tape. There was a red raised area around the middle of the scar that seemed to be healing slower than the rest of the scar.

Within a month the scarring looked a lot better, the redness was mostly gone and the texture had improved. I was really impressed how quickly my skin was repairing.

After 3 months, the doctors said they did not think I would need plastic surgery.

I am so amazed by the progress. When I look back at the photos, it is just “wow!” – Janet G.



Open wounds can occur due to a variety of reasons, including accidents, surgeries, or medical procedures. Regardless of the cause, it is essential to properly care for an open wound to promote healing and reduce scarring. A serious open wound that has been closed using stitches requires extra attention and care to ensure proper healing.

When it comes to wound care, using the right products is crucial. NeoGenesis Recovery is a powerful serum that is designed to support and promote healing of damaged skin, making it an ideal choice for post-stitches wound care.

One of the key benefits of using NeoGenesis Recovery serum for wound care is its ability to prepare the skin pre-surgery. This serum contains potent ingredients that help to boost overall skin health, making it more resilient and better able to handle the stress of surgery. By using this serum prior to a surgical procedure, you can ensure that your skin is in its best possible condition, minimizing potential complications during and after surgery.

After surgery, NeoGenesis Recovery  serum’s soothing properties help to calm the skin, reducing redness and irritation. It also provides essential nutrients to nourish the skin, promoting faster healing and minimizing downtime. 

“I was in a horrific car accident which opened a huge gash from the side of my eyebrow to the back of my head. The wound was deep, and went all the way to the skull. I was told by the doctors I may need additional reconstructive surgeries.

Once stitched up, I immediately started using NeoGenesis Recovery serum 3x per day on the scar, Barrier Renewal Cream, Neosporin, and scar tape. There was a red raised area around the middle of the scar that seemed to be healing slower than the rest of the scar.

Within a month the scarring looked a lot better, the redness was mostly gone and the texture had improved. I was really impressed how quickly my skin was repairing.

After 3 months, the doctors said they did not think I would need plastic surgery.

I am so amazed by the progress. When I look back at the photos, it is just “wow!” – Janet G.



Open wounds can occur due to a variety of reasons, including accidents, surgeries, or medical procedures. Regardless of the cause, it is essential to properly care for an open wound to promote healing and reduce scarring. A serious open wound that has been closed using stitches requires extra attention and care to ensure proper healing.

When it comes to wound care, using the right products is crucial. NeoGenesis Recovery is a powerful serum that is designed to support and promote healing of damaged skin, making it an ideal choice for post-stitches wound care.

One of the key benefits of using NeoGenesis Recovery serum for wound care is its ability to prepare the skin pre-surgery. This serum contains potent ingredients that help to boost overall skin health, making it more resilient and better able to handle the stress of surgery. By using this serum prior to a surgical procedure, you can ensure that your skin is in its best possible condition, minimizing potential complications during and after surgery.

After surgery, NeoGenesis Recovery  serum’s soothing properties help to calm the skin, reducing redness and irritation. It also provides essential nutrients to nourish the skin, promoting faster healing and minimizing downtime.